The project SPA Sardegna

During the period when the crisis is the most popular topic, SPA Sardegna and wellbeing takes care of tranquility of users, by grouping all the best spa in the island by showing up the most interesting aspects of each of them.
The project was born from the idea of wanting to give users the possibility to know wide-ranging all wellness centres active in Sardinia, by comparing them and offering them the opportunity to choose the one most appropriate to your needs. So you will have the opportunity to know all the services offered by the various spa and to disconnect from the daily stresses to enjoy with an ideal holiday in absolute wellness.
Each week will be updated the new products of each firm that has joined with the project and will be brought out the best offers to ensure to users the most advantageous satisfaction.
“You’re never too young or too old for the knowledge of happiness. At any age it is good to take care of well-being of our soul.”
All SPA that have joined to the project, will have the opportunity to submit their best offers and services and to make themselves known by a public in constant growth. The last offers and news regarding their wellness centre can be viewed in real time on the portal of SPA Sardinia, by offering the opportunity to its customers to keep constantly updated. In addition we will also offer to the wellness centres the opportunity to get an accurate review on their services so as to increase the advertising for its own firm.
Spa Sardinia tips then to keep users constantly updated about the news of the spa of the island and the various opportunities of wellness holidays, with the target of giving everyone a few moments of pleasant serenity.
A project of Filippo Sogus